Bioterrorism and Emergency Response

The LPHA is actively involved in planning for all hazards, natural and manmade.  Developing a public health response plan is paramount as well as planning for mass distribution of prophylactic medication.
Bollinger County Emergency Management Action Committee/Citizens Corps Council is active in CERT training as well as bringing all emergency responders together for planning, collaboration/and coordination of emergency activities

Are you ready?

Top 3 Ways you can prepare:

  1. Attend Community Emergency Response Team Training (CERT) and learn what you can do to help your family and community when disaster strikes.
    *Contact the Health Center for information on upcoming classes
  2. Create a family emergency plan. Make sure all family members understand what they need to do if their is an emergency. 
  3. Make an emergency supply kit.  View  and/or download the emergency supply list from ready.gov and preparedness calendar from southernnevadahealthdistrict.org as shown to the right.  

Emergency Preparedness for: Kids

Red Cross-disaster safety for kids information

What to do immediately after a disaster

FEMA Recommendations
Ready.gov Information

What is the Bollinger County Health Center doing to prepare for disasters?

Bollinger County Emergency Management Action Committee/Citizens Corps Council is active in CERT training as well as bringing all emergency responders together for planning, collaboration/and coordination of emergency activities.

​Watch the disaster preparedness videos from PrepareMetroKC.org below!

Episode 1, Meet "Disaster" and "Preparedness"
Episode 2, Disaster and Preparedness: Keep Mayhem to a Minimum
Episode 3, Disaster and Preparedness: It's Not Rocket Science
Episode 4, Disaster and Preparedness: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Episode 5, Disaster and Preparedness: Don't Let Disaster Have the Last Word
Episode 6, Disaster and Preparedness: What's Your Next Move?
Episode 7, Disaster and Preparedness: Put Disaster Down for the Count